City & County of Durham Knowledge Base

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What types of revenue does the County receive?

The largest form of revenue the County collects is from property tax which is payed based on the valuation of real and personal property. Real property for example could be a house. If a house is valued (by the County) at $200,000 then the math used to get the property tax bill would be $200,000 divided by 100 times the County property tax rate of 0.7679 = a $1,535.80 property tax bill for that house. The second largest revenue source comes from sales tax collected from most sales within Durham County and sales within the entire state. Other revenue sources include intergovernmental funds from the state and federal governments, fees and service charges, and the use of fund balance (County savings) for one time purchases. A more detailed listing of revenues used to support the General Fund can be found in the budget document.